Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Favorite Affiliate Programs

The following companies are my top five favorite affiliates for personal reasons, not due to their money making ability.  All of them have low priced, high quality, merchandise and ship quickly while providing excellent customer service. I also have some sort of hobby that pertains to each business.  I'll be adding more of my  favorite affiliates list after I get more customer feedback and self experience with others.

For those of you that do not know me, I'm a Chemistry teacher that has a passion for wine making.  Adventures in home brewing sells high quality beer, wine, and spirit making equipment at a low price and ships it directly to your door.  I ordered 100 corks the just the other day and they were at my door three days later $22 including tax.  Then I found out through an email, they paid me a commission for my order, SWEET! They only pay affiliates 7.5% on orders, but they have an easy product to promote.  Word of mouth and private wine making lessons have definitely increased my sales from this site.  If you want to know more about wine making, click on this link.

Best Quality Air Purifiers

As a man of science I appreciate the value of clean air and water.  Atlas delivers with a large selection of high quality air filtration devices.  Again, this company has great prices (check for website deals frequently) and customer service.  Atlas also pays out its affiliates 10% of the total sales.  If you want to learn more about air purification, click this link.

This machine is just awesome!  It turns the humidity (water in the air) into high quality drinking water.  It is expensive ($1200 for the low priced model to $1700 for the Carbonated system), but imagine being able to have clean water (or your favorite soda) anywhere on the planet.  These are hard sells because of their high up front cost.  However they do pay a 10% commission for affiliates.


LinkShare is a great place to find affiliates if you are new to internet marketing.  Let's face it, ClickBank is pretty washed up and all they have are DIY products.  LinkShare has great advertising opportunities for "mom and pops" stores that have web pages made, but trouble getting traffic.  LinkShare is great for advertisers trying to find products to promote.  Join LinkShare for Free Today!

Harry Potter costumes from Spirit Halloween!

Halloween is by far my favorite holiday.  The Spirit Store is extremely easy to advertise during the Halloween season and it is also nice to receive a commission on your own costume.  13-15% commissions makes this a hot affiliate to have.  Not everyone has a spirit store near them, while others like taking advantage of having products delivered to their door.  By the way, I found this awesome affiliate through Linkshare.

I currently have over twenty affiliates and continue to pick up more every week.  Once again, I will continue up dating this list.  If you were curious to see what my top selling affiliate is... Well click the following link.  You may not be all that impressed, but I bought it and so have thousands of others.

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